

Mixers represent one of the most critical unit processes found in any production facility. To obtain the maximum advantage from mixers it is vital to design these machines to cater for all the many 961-200x800-mixingtechnologyvariables encountered in each application.

Besides the product rheology and fluid characteristics, that affect the design, there are many mechanical and budgetary influences that should also be taken into account.

It is our mission to supply mixers that meet these demands and each mixer will include the following added features.

  • Custom designed.
  • Appropriate quality.
  • Value for money.
  • On going back up.

We are able to offer the design, manufacture and supply of a complete range of mixing equipment to industry from these offices. The range of mixers includes sizes from pilot plant scale to production vessels, from liquids with low viscosities to applications involving pastes and from 0.25 kW to 100 kW (and above in certain applications). All our mixers are custom designed to your requirements.

Along with the supply of new mixers we are also able to assist with the evaluation and upgrading of existing equipment and trouble shooting with problem installations.

To ensure the degree of service that you would expect from our company we encourage you to contact us to discuss any mixing application you may be considering. We, in turn, would be happy to visit your site to obtain an understanding of your requirements and submit our recommendations.

We trust you will be able to use our services and look forward to being of assistance.

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